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Greg 0418 329 181 E greg@wowelectrical.com.au

Exit and Emergency Lighting

Exit and Emergency lighting is a critical aspect in protecting life in the event of a fire or an emergency. There are many different types of exit and emergency lights that are designed to function when power has failed.


Exit and emergency lighting installed and maintained in accordance with AS 2293.1 & 2, provides an illuminated path of from the building to nominated exits and emergency assembly areas.

It is critical for building occupant safety that the correct type and quantity of lights are installed in the correct locations. At Wow Electrical we are experts in designing, installing and maintaining all types of exit and emergency lighting systems.


At the completion of any emergency lighting project Wow Electrical can provide certification to your local council or auditor as a part of your building occupancy certificate.


We pride ourselves on leaving your premises in the same condition that we found them in and also ensuring that we cause the least amount of disruption to the day to day life of your building.


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